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Answered By: Manlia Xiong Last Updated: May 08, 2023 Views: 46
COS Library subscribes to a few streaming video databases where you can view videos assigned by your instructor. To locate our video databases, go to our COS Homepage and click the "LIBRARY/LRC" tab. When the LIBRARY/LRC drop-down menu appears, select the "Academic Databases" link located in the gray box, then follow the steps below:
1) Along the top of the A-Z Academic Databases website, there are several dropdown options in which you can filter the databases by “All Subjects”, “All Database Types”, and “All Vendors/Providers”.
2) Select the “All Database Types” option to see the dropdown menu.
3) Select the “Video” link from the dropdown menu. This will take you to our video databases webpage where you will see a list of streaming video platforms to which the library subscribes.
4) Select the link to your desired streaming video platform. Accessing the video databases from off-campus requires your COS login.
Need help or clarification? Please call the Ask a Librarian Desk at (559) 737-6179, chat with a librarian, or email a librarian at
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