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Answered By: Last Updated: Sep 07, 2023 Views: 145
There are computer labs at all three COS Libraries (Visalia, Hanford, and Tulare) where COS students may be able to use a computer and print documents. To use one of these computers and the printers, you must know your MyGiant login information.
Step 1: Login to a student computer on campus with your MyGiant login information.
Step 2: Send your print from the computer to the printer. NOTE: Select the correct printer, otherwise it may not appear in your printing queue.
Step 3: Login to any printer on campus with your MyGiant login information. NOTE: For color prints, you may need to use a specific printer.
Step 4: Select print all or select and print specific print jobs in your printing queue. You must have enough funds in your account before it will print.
You may also upload your documents from a mobile device to Giant Prints within your MyGiant portal and go to any printer within a COS Library to print your document.
Be aware that you may need to load funds into your account before printing. You can check your funds amount within Giant Prints.
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