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Answered By: Last Updated: Mar 15, 2023 Views: 90
To place a request on a textbook or book, go to homepage, click on LIBRARY/LRC tab, and select OneSearch. Search for the book you want to request and click on the Get It button. In order for this button to appear, you must first sign in using your MyGiant login credentials.
Then, select your pickup location (COS Visalia, Tulare, or Hanford) and click Send Request. You will receive email notification to your COS email address when the item is available for pickup. You can also check on the status of your request in your Library Account.
Placing a request on a textbook or book is a way for you to have the library hold a book for you. Requesting books does not mean you automatically check it out, rather that you are asking the library to hold a copy so that you can come check it out. When the book is ready for pickup, you will receive email notification. You have a certain amount of time in which you must go to the library and checkout the book before your request expires and you must place a new request. For popular books, there may not be enough copies to fill all requests for that title.
If a book does not have an option to request it, it may be because either it is a copy that is only for use in the library and/or a 2-hour checkout or it is the only copy that is missing/lost and otherwise unavailable.
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