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Answered By: Last Updated: Sep 20, 2023 Views: 94
As a COS student, you have access to the COS Library's collection of Academic Databases. These databases contain a variety of articles from many different sources from magazines to journals to newspapers and more. Not every database has the same articles, sources, or collection of information as each other so it is a good idea to check different databases. To access the databases from a place other than a COS campus, you must use your MyGiant login information.
If you don't know much about your subject or don't know where to begin your research, it is recommended that you start searching for background information or information for reference. You can do a search online, through books or any of our reference databases. On the Academic Databases page, select the "All Subjects" drop-down menu and then "Reference" to narrow the list of databases to those that are for reference.
If you are searching for articles and don't know which subject your topic of choice falls under, it is recommended to start with databases that cover multiple subjects. On the Academic Databases page, select the "All Subjects" drop-down menu and then "Multi-Subject" to narrow the list of databases to those that cover multiple subjects.
You may also use the "All Subjects" drop-down menu to choose subject-specific databases if you know what subject your topic of choice falls under. For example, if you are doing a subject on history, you can get a list of history databases.
Want news articles or articles from specific newspapers? You can select the "All Subjects" drop-down menu and then "News Articles" to get a list of databases which mainly collect newspaper or news article.
If you are still needing help with choosing a database or how to search for articles, you can contact a Librarian.
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